
Why Cop Block?

Why do we engage in noncooperation and video record police as a form of activism?

We do this to raise awareness about peoples right and to shine the light of a camera on the absurdity and violence of the law enforcement system. Police do not deserve more rights than you. Public servants do not have an expectation of privacy especially on public property. Just like any other private employees do not have an expectation of privacy from their employers while on the job. They do not get to refuse to be recorded. Recording cops is the ONLY way to ensure that they can be held 100% accountable. the thin blue line of police brotherhood means that cops can get away with almost anything. cameras ensure that they get away with nothing.

Police are not your friends. If a cop is talking to you they are most likely trying to gather enough evidence to fine or put you, or a loved one, in jail. Usually this is for a completely spurious charge or some victimless crime.

Police lie. Police are allowed, and even encouraged, to lie to you in order to obtain evidence against you or a confession of some "wrong doing", yet you can be fined and sentenced to jail for lying to a cop. When a cop lies its called justice. When you lie to a cop its called obstruction of justice.

Police are little more than revenue generating machines. Ask a cop how many of the crimes he investigated had a victim. If the cop ever responded with something other than slack jawed confusion, the ratio of real crime to victimless crime would be baffling. Victimless crimes usually result in fines for the "offender". These fines are, in actuality, just hidden taxes.

Police are not obligated to protect nor serve. The supreme court has ruled over and over (Hartzler v. City of San Jos and Warren v. District of Columbia) that the government and the police have no duty to protect citizen. So if your life is in danger the cops can choose whether or not to help you.

Cops need to focus on real crimes with victims like assault, rape, theft, murder. By arresting and fining people who have not harmed anyone they turn themselves from police officers to mafia thugs.

We will question, interrogate, annoy, defy, and record all government thugs and bureaucrats, whenever feasible, until they cease in taxing and caging peaceful people for victimless crimes.

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