
The House is Beyond Repair

What system of government to you believe is good? Democracy, republic, monarchy? It doesn't matter. Government at its core has been nothing but a system of violence throughout history. The state is not a guardian that is built from the desire for peace and freedom. It is a parasite that is bred from the desire for human beings to control one and other. It is the rotten pit of filth seething with the violent parasitic class of sociopaths and scoundrels, thieves, liars, murderers and brigands. They are all those creatures that desire most in their heart to control others and bend people to their will. This is the essence of the state and all similar governments that have ever existed. They have never been good they have only ever been varying degrees of evil.

This is because the idea of the state and government cannot exist without the monopoly on violence and force. Do you have the right to wage war and kill people as collateral damage? Can you attack your neighbor and put them in a cage because you disagree with his lifestyle? Is it moral to do those thing? If it is wrong for you to do it then it is completely incoherent to claim that the agents of the state are right to do it.

 The state can't even be funded without the threat of violence on a voluntary basis. If it were funded voluntarily and without violence then it would be nothing more than a business. Can McDonalds force you to pay for a Big Mac? The state can force you to purchase their services. If a business was able to use violence against you to force you to pay for it's service whether you want to or not, it would be an outrage and no one would deny that it was theft. However, when the government does it we politely call it "taxation". Violence shrouded in euphemism.

Most people have the nebulous feeling of malaise and discontent with the government. They know something is wrong but are yet to realize that what is wrong with government is that it is built upon violence, destruction, theft, and oppression. Here people stand, perhaps even people like yourself, Still supporting the state as if there is something virtuous about the system at its core. Believing that the system has been corrupted rather than understanding that the system itself is corrupt. They believe that there is something redeemable about the system. The more you dig the more you will find that it is not just the politicians and their policies that are corrupt. The heart of democracy and the republic is not a shining beacon but a rotten core.

Society is our home. Our society is a home that is surrounded in a building of  of coercion and violence that is the state. The house that we live in isn't a decent home but it is a squalid hovel that you wish to fix but only to look and find that all of its supports are termite infested and broken. It has been built upon a cesspool of aggression and its foundations rest in the festering swamp of force that cannot long support any peaceful structure. It is beyond repair. You cannot fix it. You can only raze the structure, destroy it completely, and return the land to its natural state. After this is done you may seek to replace it but everything put back in its place will still rest upon a foundation of a festering swamp that will breed the same decay that caused the demise of all houses that were built before.

Change only comes from getting people to understand the truth and abandoning the idea that we need this decrepit system. We must acknowledge violent aggression even at the core of our political and social ideas. We do this or risk continuing to perpetuate a society based on aggression, violence, and theft. We can no longer keep trying to fix this house. It's time to rebuild on solid fertile land based on peace and consensual human interaction. A place we can truly call home.

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