
Voluntary Morality: Self Ownership and Non-Aggression

The principles of self ownership (as a right) and non-aggression (as a responsibility) are the most simple, just, moral and consistent basis for all human interaction. The principles can be be stated as follows;

The right of self ownership.

Everyone has the inherent right to self ownership. This is the right to life, liberty, and justly acquired property.

Only you can own your life, that is the right to defend and make decisions about things that effect your body and existence. To deny this is to accept rape and murder as moral and justifiable.

Only you can own your property, that is the sole right to the tangible product of your labor. To deny this is to accept that robbery and fraud as moral and justifiable.

Only you can own your liberty, that is the freedom to choose what to do with your life and property. To deny this is to accept slavery and oppression as moral and justifiable.

The responsibility of non-aggression

All people have the responsibility to, whenever possible, keep their interactions with other completely and mutually voluntary, that is to say , free from aggression. Aggression is the initiation of force. Force is any act of physical violence or a substitute for physical violence, such as fraud, theft, coercion or any action that directly infringes the right to self ownership.

This also not only means that one should refrain from using aggressive force against others, but to restrain others from using aggressive force against them. All people should, whenever feasible, resist ,with defensive force, anyone who initiates aggression against them by using the least force appropriate to effectively defend against, and/or restore a loss as a result of, aggression

This is the prime directive for all people who truly believe in freedom. Any social philosophy or action that opposes or even fails to satisfy these axioms is in direct opposition to freedom.
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