
You are NOT a Citizen

The state and its government can be accurately defined as a group of individuals who occupy a certain geographical area who regulates the behavior of its citizens, usually in the form of laws.

A citizen is a member of a nation who owes allegiance to the state/government in exchange for the entitlement to its protection. This definition of citizen has been acknowledged in supreme court case Minor v. Happersett 1874.

In 2005 the supreme court ruled in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales that the government and agents of the state (namely the police) have no constitutional obligation to protect its citizens and therefor the citizens are not entitled to that protection.

If citizens are not entitled to governmental protection then no citizen OWES their allegiance to the government. We are thus not compelled by duty to obey the dictates required of citizens. If the government can re-neg on its end of the social contract, namely the duty to protect, then why should we not likewise be able to abandon our end of this "contract", that is to obey?

Minor v. Happersett

Castle Rock v. Gonzales

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